DNRC engages Rushcliffe and Charnwood Borough Councils on emerging planning proposals

Sharing the story of the DNRC will be an important part of the planning process, and since the acquisition of the site in late 2011 the development team has been hard at work explaining the project's objectives and seeking the involvement of Rushcliffe and Charnwood Borough Councils, the 2 local authorities.

As the Stanford Hall estate is within the boundaries of Rushcliffe and borders on Charnwood, both organizations will have an important role to play in determining the project’s future.

Understanding the complexity, sophistication and opportunities of the DNRC is central to the overall planning process and a significant part of the development team’s work has involved explaining exactly how the facility could work and how the opportunities offered by the Stanford Hall estate could be realized. General Sir Timothy Granville-Chapman, the Director of the DNRC Programme said: "The proposed DNRC is a project with huge potential. It could transform clinical rehabilitation in this country and is an opportunity for this part of England. In our engagement with the planning authority and elsewhere, we have been heartened by the interest shown so far in what we plan to do at Stanford. It’s important that we understand what people feel about our proposals so the public consultation this summer will be of great interest to us."

Cllr Neil Clarke, leader of Rushcliffe Borough Council, said: "Rushcliffe is proud to call itself home to a number of important national institutions so the opportunity to add the DNRC to our area is very exciting. We can clearly see the benefits that such an innovative facility would have for clinical rehabilitation and we are keen to co-operate and assist wherever we can. Now, we must look at the planning aspects and we look forward to seeing the proposals in detail."

Geoff Parker, Chief Executive of Charnwood Borough Council, said: "Charnwood, and Loughborough in particular, are renowned for their excellence in sports education and related bio-medicine. Having the DNRC so close to Loughborough University would bring obvious benefits and synergies. It is not difficult to see how it could deliver a tremendous boost to treatment and learning as well bringing wider economic benefits. We are very interested in the proposals and are keen to be closely involved as they are taken forward."

The development team has provided briefings to councillors at both authorities in recent months ahead of the programme for public consultation which is due to take place over the summer.

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Contacts for further information:

Ben Copithorne or Emily Barnes at Camargue on 020 7636 7366 or dnrc@camargue.uk