Listed buildings and registered parkland

There are a number of existing buildings and structures on the site, the majority of which are clustered on the eastern side of the site, around the Grade II* listed Hall.

North elevation of Stanford Hall

North elevation of Stanford Hall

Near to the Hall lie several Grade II listed structures:

a. To the west is an early 20th century thatched tennis pavilion.
b. To the southeast are three 20th century pools for sea lions, penguins and flamingos and a late 19th century neo-classical stone garden pavilion
c. To the east and northeast are an 18th century Walled Garden with associated structures, an early 20th century game house and an early 20th century Art Deco style lido.

Stanford Hall plan

Also within the curtilage of the listed buildings are several unlisted structures, including an 18th century stable block that was much altered in the mid 20th century, a late 20th century office building (Oak Court) and various late 19th century greenhouses and sheds to the north of the Walled Garden.   Elsewhere on the site, there are 3 lodges:  North Lodge at the entrance on the Melton Road (A6006), South Lodge at the entrance on Leake Lane and Middle Lodge a short distance east of South Lodge.

The Tennis Pavilion

The Tennis Pavilion

The Sea Lion Pool

The Sea Lion Pool

The Garden Pavilion

The Garden Pavilion

The Game House

The Game House

The Lido

The Lido

The diving boards and the Lido

The diving boards and the Lido

The peach house

The Peach House and Vineries within the Walled Garden

The north elevation of the Bothy

The north elevation of the Bothy

The Garden Cottage

The Garden Cottage within the Walled Garden

The Stanford Hall Estate comprises 146 hectares of parkland much of which is given over to farmland and woodland.  The majority of the parkland is designated Grade II Registered Park and Garden, with the exception of a field on the north western edge of the site, known as The Lings, and the Old Gardens to the southwest of a lake, Fish Ponds.

Stanford Hall map
Character areas

The Estate has 3 character areas:

  1. Northern Parkland which is largely flat consisting of an open parkland landscape characterized by informal groups and individual trees.
  2. Southern Parkland which is characterised by rolling topography, parkland trees and a Ha-ha.
  3. Gardens and Pleasure Grounds surrounding Stanford Hall contain many of the original pleasure ground features.
View across the Southern parkland

View across the southern parkland looking northwest towards Stanford Hall.

View across the Northern parkland

View across the northern parkland looking north from Stanford Hall.